
Perfect summer evening yesterday, dinner was really nice. Then ended the night with some wine and "The Full Monty" :)

Dinner plans

Plan for tonight will be dinner out with Andreas and the parents. Think it'll be fun :) Have never been to the restaurant, so will see how it is.


La playa

Re-premier at Varamon! No rain, just sunny and warm and not cold water... and now I've burnt my shoulders a bit. Again. But at least summer is back.



Really nice BBQ yesterday, although we'll now have to eat potatoes til the day we die.

Food a la Andersson. Lucky he ate before...

Fika and suitcases

Really, what happened to the summer..? At least it's not pouring down anymore, but still.

Had fika with Astrid and Karro today, really nice seeing them again, been a while.. as usual with people nowadays. And now it'll be another year til next time I guess.

Think I'll start packing a bit tomorrow, so Emma, expect a call... Am looking forward to it on the one hand, but on the other I really hate packing. It's just energytaking, especially now when it feels so final and important. Have to find a scale to weigh it on too, but that's a later problem.

Swedish summer


Ahh my legs ... they hurt. Träningsvärk! Or, according to dictionary; delayed onset muscle soreness. Amazing how you learn new things every day, isn't it?

Bread is now done, looks awesome, to compliment myself. Final test tomorrow to see if they're edible.

Domestic Goddess

Yes, that's me. Am baking bread, a la Leila. Will see how things turn out.


Just have to brag a bit about my incredibly active yesterday;

went jogging around the channel, Göta that is, and I didn't walk once! All the way to Treöresbron. Amazing. Especially since the last time I did that was sometimes in the gymnasium. Can feel it today though, my legs hurt. Så går det.


My new computor skin thing. Shopping - happiness.


Emelie and Andreas in holes...

The mansion of Alfred Nobel...

...and Nobel himself...

Back from LillNorrland.

Basic fact: everything above Uppsala is considered as Norrland. Everything above Östergötland til Uppsala must then be LillNorrland.

Had a really nice time with Emelie. And now I finally got to meet the famous Tilda, cutest cat ever (after the Prince of course). We've spent the day sightseeing Karlskoga, which maybe isn't the largest city in the world, but still. It was anyway really nice at the Nobel museum, previous home of Alfred Nobel. The guide/actor guy was really good!

Yesterday we was going to BBQ, but due to the worst thunderstorm ever that didn't happen. But it was cozy anyhow, except for when the lightning nearly hit us.. that was just scary.

Will now enjoy my 'lördagsgodis' :)


Going to Emelieeeeeee today!! :) Karlskoga, in the middle of the dark forests of Värmland... (eller var det Dalarna Em? :P)

Think we agreed that I would do the driving, but we'll see.

Am now off to grandma to do some grocerie shopping. Ciao.


Livet är hårt ibland. Just said goodbye to Lovisa, älskade systeryster, who went back home to Skåneland today. Hopefully I'll see her again, in Mexico,.. otherwise it wont be until next summer! It's starting to feel a bit more real now, the whole moving away thing.. However, we did have an awesome allsång-in-the-car-bad-careoke-version-goodbye :)

Ended the evening in Varamon. It was beautiful, with warm, soft water, sunset, calmness.

The entire amazing Ekholm family: pappa, Pelle Prins, söstra mi, mamma, and me.


I am beyond tired. Will write later. Calm fika with grandma - sure.


Had a nice BBQ with the family yesterday, a lot of fun. And it was nice to see Kicki again.

Will soon be going to Övralid with Andreas, Lovisa and grandma for some fika, and sightseeing. But I think sis managed to convince grandma that there's no need for us to go inside the Heidenstam house with the guides.. been there, seen that, and the guides were, as I remember it, booring. But fika is always nice, and it's really warm and sunny today too.

Will go to Varamon or so later, hoping the water is a bit warmer there now. And have to get in touch with Jessie, not easy to know when she's online. How many hours difference is there to China?


Have been by the lake, and will soonish head to Vadstena to pick up the corridor mate of Lovisa - Kicki. Will try to be tourist guide for Andreas there too... see if we'll run into any nuns.

Crazily warm today, think it'll rain or be thunder soon.


Tried my sister's epilator thing today. One word: pain. Feels like, to quote Carro, like your hair is being pulled up by the root. Logical, since that is exacly what happens.

Have been to the lake twice today. Really nice second time, almost warm again :). Earlier was not so nice though, since Andreas decided to throw me in. Can't help that I take long to get in the water. It's all about mental preparation.



Sister Lovisa will come home today, for some days =) Will probably be the last time I see her then, before I leave. Don't like the 'last-time-feeling' about everything at the moment... Not nice at all.

Anyway, hope we'll go swimming when she gets here, it's really warm today. Just wished that the water could be the same... At least it's refreshing.

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