
I have never been so happy about rain and cold before - yes, I am actually freezing a bit! And I like it! I´ll try to remind myself of that in ice-age Sweden in January...

Anyway, rain and cold means I´m wearing my amazing new pretty scarf from American Eagle - I´m way to easy to make happy :).

At Tec. there´s also an unmistakle "rain-trend" - everywhere I look there is Burberry. Burberry rain shoes (gummistovlar..), Burberry umbrellas, Burberry cardigans... Maybe something I need.

Have also been seriously active today, with pilates and 5 km running at the gym. And it beat my old time again. Goog day, good day :)-

Now, homework to do before the last class in an hour.


Raped Chicken

Or Pollo Violado - local specialty apparently :P We had a BBQ here yesterday evening, really nice end of the week :)

Yes, that is a beer can in the chicken...

The Important Stuff.

Meaning shopping, of course :) I don't want to know how much I spent, but totally worth it - shopping makes people happy. I don't know how people live in America without getting serious spending problems... It was anyway an awesome day, I'll post some pictures (although I don't really have that many, was too busy.. :P)

I actually didn't buy anything there, beleive it or not..

Bild från: http://withnailpolish.webblogg.se/images/2007/shoppingfreak_1185224356_2479059.jpg
Not that many pictures, but better than nothing :)

Grito de Dolores

Saw a guy selling millions of Mexican flags and sombreros in the park just now... Sensing an independence day coming up..?

Bild från: http://www.varldensflaggor.se/bilder/orginal/mexikos-flagga.png

Border control

Takes .. a while. Don't know why Americans are so suspicious towards the people coming from the Mexican border side...? When we actually got to the border with the bus in the morning, our driver told us that with the traffic we could expect to wait 4-5 hours just to get passed the border and that we sould better walk. So we did, across the bridge over Río Grande. Then to get passed the border control we had to stand in line to get a visa thing that I already had, while being met by patriotic messages such as God bless America and a fancy-looking portrait of mr. Obama.

Then, finally, we could enter The Land of Dreams, The Land of the Brave and ... The Land of Mexicans. During the entire day only two people adressed me in English. The signs were all in Spanish, the bus driver spoke Spanish, when we paid we got price in Spanish. I think the US has to watch out a bit, seems like Mexico is trying to accomplish a slow and integrated take-over of Texas. Beware.

Border line traffic?

Pretty Pink

Recently realised that what I need most in the whole world (well, ok, not most) is an external harddrive. So then Andreas finds this one for me..

I think I always needed it, I just didn't know it.

And I'll update about my fabulous experience in the States (God bless), but really really need to study at the moment. Didn't know that would be part of the whole exchange thing... 


...for me. Severe DOMS, especially in my arms - think the pilates is actually starting to do something... AND I went to the gym today todo some running. 5 km in 32 minutes, which is like 5 minutes better than last time. I need some credit for my amazingness sometimes :)

Need to go to bed soon, have to get up before five. Ick.


Now have the tickets for tomorrow's spending spree in Texas! Had to change from McAllen to Laredo, since there were no bus tickets left for McAllen, but I don't mind - it's one hour less to Laredo. Still, we have to be at the bus station 5.45 tomorrow morning, me and Sofia.. will be a challenge... What don't you do for clothes..?

Fortress Tec.

Guards and walls, fine. I've gotten used to it. (Except that I still think it's ridiculous to have three extra guards to ask how you feel every day...)

But, always a but, some things still creep me out a bit. Living in the residence halls requires that your finger prints are taken, since you will use this, together with codes, to get in to the halls and your room. And of course, it also means that Tec. Almighty can keep track of every movement you make - it will be registered when you leave, when you come back, when you don't come back... Being a female living there means you have to be back at 6am, and if you don't... well I guess they'll be sending report cards to your parents, and could eventually kick you out. Great.

Have gotten my student ID today - and yes, I had to do the fingerprint thing. I tried to get a reason, but I think the woman just assumed I didn't know what I was saying, so she never answered, just repeated what she already said - again, and again... Foreigner doesn't equal stupid. Just wanted to make that clear. And university didn't queal surveillance last time I checked.

Be aware - Big Brother sees you!

Bild från: tvjunior.wordpress.com/.../big-brother/


Went to a really nice bar yesterday, think it was called Luv Bar... Sofas, low ceiling, nice lighting, really cozy.. and full of post-its and notes from people in the ceiling. And really nice daiquiri.


Apparently, according to my culture teacher, according to Mexicans - being German equals consuming large amounts of beer and brat wurst. It also means having no sense of humor and being seriously over organized.

Bild från: www.party411.com/caricature.html

I don't judge :P


Yesterday's Metro: warmest summer since 1980 in Nuevo León. Told you it was warm. But it also says that it's just over (not that I've noticed), so I guess there is hope.

"Why are you so little?

Question I got today after telling I was from Sweden. Well, what do I know - apparently we're all supposed to look like 2 meter amazons back in the old land of nordic Vikings... I'm just gonna pass that question on to mum - why am I so little??

Bild från: http://imstars.aufeminin.com/stars/fan/victoria-silvstedt/victoria-silvstedt-20070111-197209.jpg
Victoria - just like the rest of us Swedes...

Monday panic...

... on a Thursday?? (tänk Johan Glans)

Yes, so today I'm going to be seriously healthy and active. Promise. I think the Mexican food is starting to get to me...

Things that does exist in Mexico

Swedish contribution to world fashion. Said beaming with national pride.

Bild från: www.trendstoresweden.se/.../nyhet_visa.asp?id=89


There are certain things a nation has that represents this nation, and therefor they are perceived as very important. The national anthem would be one of them.

In Mexico one is not aloud to alter, change, angle the message of the national anthem in any way. Should so be done you may end up as some poor professional singer meddling in the text a bit too much - with a million peso fine.

Well, maybe I shouldn´t say anything. After all, we still have the "flag laws" in Sweden, stating that the sun must never set on our oh so glorious flag. And yes, we still hold on to that seriously annoying, undemocratic, ridiculous system called monarchy. A disgrace.

Off with her head!

Lunch time....?

Am at Tec, trying to study for one of my partials next week. 200 years of Nicaraguan history - fun. Getting hungry though, so I think I´ll give up pretty soon. Need food. :P


So, my long missed FM3 is now safely with me... that took a while. And quite a lot of patience at the immigration office today, think we spent almost two hours there. And of course the visa wasn't ready, and no, we had to call again and come back later in the week... and blablabla. So then me and Sofie basically refused to leave until we got it - and voila!

See, like i said; bitching and occupation totally works.

Now, I have homework to do (I know it's midnight) - so I'm thinking no sleeping. Great :P

Bild från: http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/gfo/lowres/gfon257l.jpg


I have the Visa!



Mission of the day: Immigration Office! Will be going with Sofie in about an hour, and hopefully return with the Visa. Fingers crossed!

Bild från: http://wallpapers.dpics.org/36__Mission_Impossible_II_(MI2),_2000,_Tom_Cruise,_Dougray_Scott,_Thandie_Newton.htm

What goes around...

So apparently the private policía of Tec. prefers new and fancy cars. Nothing wrong with that. So apparently they donate the "old" used cars to the Policía Estatal (State). Nothing wrong with that. Then one would think that there would be some sort of change in logo on the cars. Nope, not really. Following that corrupt state police goes around in Tec. cars, without actually being accused of anything themselves. Fancy that.

Bild från: http://media.photobucket.com/image/policia%20monterrey/dancingwithnacos4/3036827640_4f49cedfb1_b.jpg

Bitching helps

This is not a great day for Mexico in my eyes - called the famous Migration Office - yet again. And no it´s not done, but please call later in the week.

Well, luckily I hadn´t had lunch yet so I managed to bitch for a while in the phone - so now I can go there tomorrow and pick it up. For heaven´s sake :P

Told you the mañana attitude would drive me crazy some day...

Nostalgic Music...

Music that sometimes get stuck in your head...

And this one also tends to get into my head sometimes... but that's probably just me :P

Have to go meet my group now, we have a presentation today... Later :)


Making plans in my head again - hope to make them in reservations soon also...

Bild från: www.ianchadwick.com/.../images/oaxaca_city.jpgBild från: ccc.inaoep.mx/.../2006/images/rio(huasteca).jpgBild från: karlshamnsgatan.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/imorgon/
Oaxaca, Huasteca and New York.


I have actually studied today. Some. Most of the time maybe not, but still. Meaning I can now award myself with some Sex and the City (getting addicted),  cook something later and just relax.... I don't dare going upstairs to see if someone actually did take out the trash... Well, anyway - relax - it's a later problem.

Something is moving...

... in the garbage upstairs... Moving as in worms. I am NOT dealing with that. Cochrouch was, well almost fine, but THIS - this i do not do. Besides, I don't even live upstairs - equals: not my problem.

Bild från: tech2.in.com/media/images/img_4610_wormz.jpg

Things that do not exist in Mexico

  • Seat belts in taxis.
  • Bread. That has taste.
  • Tampons. And I'm not joking.
  • Concept of time.
  • H&M. World dominion does apparently not stretch to this side of the Atlantic.
  • IKEA. What!? How??
  • Corruption. HA, yes, I just wanted another point on my list.



So ok, first euforia and amazement about the jumping part is over, so now I might be able to show you some more of the pictures from yesterday...

Cola de Caballo - Horsetail Waterfall


Slightly nervous....

Alex getting ready to jump...

... and off she goes... :)

So, tell me again why I'm doing this??

70 meters. All I have to say.

It was terrifying! So high, and then you have to jump.. and then you just fall, and it's a really weird feeling to just jump and have nothing arounf you at all - so strange. And it does not get less terrifying just because you managed to do the actual jump from the board, not at all.

By the time I was supposed to be wired up I had to attach this other rope thing to me, and my hands were shaking so much it took ages before I actually could do it.

But I did it! (thanks to a very convincing Alex...) One once-in-a-life-time-thing I can take off my list. Because I really do think it was once in a life-time... :P

1 - 2 - BUNGEE!

Yes I did, yes I did, yes I did!!!!!!!!!!

Field trip...

Good morning! Am just about to leave for Tec., where we'll take the bus to Cola de Caballo. Exciting! Utflyktsdag :P

Since I got bored from studying yesterday I have instead been trying to learn how to design this blog thing, will see if it works later on... even though I'm normally a hopeless case when it comes to computors..and related stuff.

Will get back later tonight with pictures :)


Finally managing to do my laundry and hang it to dry. So of course the rain is now pouring down.

Cola de Caballo

Adventure of tomorrow: Horsetail Waterfall outside of Monterrey. Will be there all day, and some people in this house are trying to convince me that it's a great idea doing bungee jumping. I don't think so.

Bild från: turismo.monterrey.gob.mx

Äntligen helg!

Finally weekend! Am so tired, blame lack of sleeping and creepy spiders, and just want to relax.. Will watch another Sex and the City episode, have a beer (which, I'm proud to announce, I actually even like nowadays) and then we'll go out later tonight :)

Not panicking. Or?

And again. A cochroach. In the bathroom. This time awfully vividly alive. Did I panic? No. As a mature, confident grown-up I put something over it, hoping it will be dead next time I check. Or someone else checks. But no panic.

On the other hand I woke up in the middle of the night completely convinced there were a bunch of giant spiders walking around in my room. And then I panicked, a bit. Ran out of my room and was standing in the kitchen for at least ten minutes, waiting for someone to come rescue me. Which no one of course did. Where have all the heroes gone...?

Anyway. We spent some time in Barrio Antiguo yesterday, at a really nice terazza cocktail bar :)


Am doing homework at the moment, not fun at all. Think I'll actually just give up, we are going to Barrio Antiguo ahorrita anyway, just to some bar or so.

I, btw, also happen to feel extremely Mexican today. I wear jeans, with 35 degrees. And I'm not dead yet. All I need now is high heels and a Gucci, and I'll look just like the Mexicans studying here.

Point was to give proof of the whole jeans-wearing thing. But, well, I'm not a camera expert apparently. As always, blame the hair.

Have been some sort of indigenous theme day at Tec. today, I went to a (really boring) lecture this morning, about some organization (because I get extra credits for it...). But apart from the really boring woman talking, it was really interesting, and there were representatives from indigenous groups there, and they've also been around Tec. selling art and so on. I bough a bracelet :)


Day finally over, have had class from 15-21, slightly tiring... I'm going to watch some Sex and the City episode now, and then just sleep. Am so tired.

If I didn't mention before, I've booked my tickets to Germany now, so the 16th of September I'll be on my way!! =) Finally!

Tried zumba this morning, dance aerobics sort of. Super fun!! But you could totally tell who did not posess the famous Latino genes... (meaning me)

Ok, Sex and the City is waiting!

Bild från: http://www.nagotforalla.se/wp-content/uploads/sex-and-the-city-more-takes-3.jpg

The Tortilla Treaty

About the issue of tortillas...

I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.

As a fact, in this country, there is no food you can eat that does not involve tortilla. There's tacos, quesadillas, tostadas..blablabla. All topped with meat and a cow's worth of cheese.

It's like eating paper, no taste. I miss the Swedish ones haha... We could teach the Mexicans something in that area. :P

Bild från: http://clarksplayground.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/tortilla-stack.jpg

Different worlds

I find it really strange, the way that Tec. campus seems so completely separated from the real Mexico sometimes. When I enter through the (guarded) gates, after being asked by additional guards how I feel or if I happen carry around any hidden flu symptomes in my pocket, I find myself in a world of its own.

In a country where almost half the population is considered to be below the poverty line, enter Tec. and even the guys carry around Luis Vuittons and Guccis. The reports about obecity are easily forgotten among the sceletons walking around, in their makeup, high heels and jeans (did I mention it being 40 degrees??).

Where am I? (Who am I? - Bruiser Woods, chihuaha =P No, nobody gets me..? )

Fuji Photo Book!

Amazingly new discovery - Fujifilm is giving away photo books! All you need to do is write about it, which suits me perfectly - I love photo albums and have made several myself at home, so I figured this would be perfect for all my Mexico photos when I come home.

All you need to do to create a photo book for your photos is to download the program at the Fujifilm homepage, and then start creating, uploading the pictures you want, and then design how you want them to be displayed in the book. Piece of cake! :)

I for one will defenitely make my own Mexico album, and if you want you can also blog about this and be able to create your own photo book -->  http://www.fujidirekt.se/blogga

New week

Monday again, and time to become this active person again... I'm going to do pilates in about an hour, try to make up for a week(end) of laziness.


Amazing. I can fit into my jeans again. Just wanted to say that :P. I used them for about two hours yesterday night, then I died from overheating so it was back to shorts again. But still.

Just showered, think it could be third time today, and we'll be going to the party soonish. And I've almost managed to do all my homework. I congratulate myself, I'm being unusually efficient here...

Saturday plans

Am doing homework - Saturday morning. Super fun.

Went to a taco place yesterday with the house, and then spent the rest on the evening with a beer on the balcony. Inte helt fel =)

I believe the plan for today would be a goodbye party for a French guy in the house who moves out, BBQ/pool party and sleepover somewhere outside Monterrey. And before that maybe maybe cultural overdose with museum and Barrio Antiguo. Will see, have to continue writing about populism now. Way fun.


...can happen. Even in the world capital state of bureaucracy. Went with Sofie to the immigration office with the last papers, spent ten minutes there - and apparently we can get our done VISAs at the latest Thursday next week. I am amazed. Problems solved, I'll be able to go to Germany without problems, and Texas :) I know, we don't like Texas, but apparently there's shopping possibilities there, and just three hours away or so. What to do..?

Have also managed to bandaid (I don't know if that's a word) my foot - see, another excellent example as to why WE DON'T RUN (support me on this, Emma). We'll I hope it'll help, so I can do more normal activities next week, like pilates.

First week

So first week at Tec almost finished (since I'm free on Fridays). Already home works, don't know how I feel about that, but we'll see. All my professors are great, with just maybe one exception. He's a bit scary, but mostly because he knows everything worth knowing and seems determined to prove to you that you definitely don't. It'll be fine. I mean, I know stuff :P.

Another professor spent five minutes telling us that he intended to treat us as adults. Which I thought we were... but I might be mistaken - is this high school?

Otherwise, none is this authoritarian type that you have to adress with usted, they don't have weird English accents and most of them have actually declared that they don't believe in neither final exams nor in homeworks. My sentiments exactly.

The kitchen is at the moment under "construction/renovation", meaning we can't use it. The change that's been made so far is that it is now painted black, menaing we can no longer see the stains that are there. Perfect. Will follow further developments...

The amazing campus. I'm starting to think we should get this to Sweden as well. All you want in one place, you never have to leave - perfect for lazy people. Not that I would be one of those..

Naked ... or not naked?

That is the question. I have weird problems, I know: But you know I went to the gym today, and as a normal person I showered after. Thing is they have private showers, not like back home with shared ones. So, question is: am I actually aloud to change in the changing room - or would that make someone feel terribly offended??

Hello, I'm in a country where I'm not aloud to we're a top to the gym, but have to wear a t-shirt. What do I know?

Earth quake...?

At least that's what it sounds like - in the kitchen at the moment. Think they are tearing it down. Am pretty sure. Hopefully it's for the better...

Orka! Think I'll go to Tec, can't stand this noise...

Sunny Sunday...

... was spent with Sofie, Barbara and Eliza at Luis family's country house, about one hour from Monterrey. Perfect way to spend a Sunday, and last day of summer... before it's back to school...

By the pool.... =)

Grown-Up Points

Yes, for me. I finally removed to cochroach!! It was dangerous, it was difficult - but I did it! And it was not fun at all. Think I deserve some form of award here actually.

Well, no award. BUT! Of course I then discover another cochroach corpse - IN MY ROOM! I'm surprised at how calm I manage to stay - I'm supposed to be a sissy. This time I removed it right away, can't have dead stuff lying around in my room.

Now, if this is not the end of the cochroach saga, I don't know what I'll do...


This I'm so gonna learn..... :


To-do-list: get new hair.

Welcome Cocktail

Yesterday it was then the welcome cocktail at campus (after a really long and boring lecture about immigration policies). The casa all dressed up and looking fancy :)

Tomas, Oscar, Cristian, Timur, Sofie, Blandine and Alex.


Mi casa es tu casa =)

We continued on to a bar close to home and Tec. And I think the Mariachis followed us there....




Looong day today. But I've now been to the Immigration Office, and now just have a few more papers to hand in next week. And according to the International Office at Tec. it doesn't seem to be a problem to leave Mexico and go to Germany, as long as I ask for a special permission. Problems solved and feel less stressed.

Extremely tired though, haven't slep more than 3 hours tonight. We had a party here yesterday, and then went to a club close to here. Fun, but slightly dead today..

Tomorrow I'll pick up my schedule and everything, and then the seriousness begins on Monday :P.

Eye brows - plucked or bushy....?

I don't know what to say really. Me, Alexandra and Sofie have just spent an hour filling out some of the zillion forms we need for our Visas. Answering questions like if my nose is concave or straight, if my hair is just blonde or actually albino, if my forehead is to be considered as of medium lenght, or if I am slender or robust. Could I say that depends on how long this process takes and how much Mexican cheese food I have time to eat til then!?

Mexican Immigration Government People - you are amazing. I wish we could all have Governments like yours...


I've just read the folder on immigration policies. And OMG. "Make sure to hand in two copies of your entire passport - and don't miss any pages, including white ones."

There are millions of forms to fill out, in the right format of course, on the right paper. Copies of VISA, passport, credit card, financial statement, adress, copies of my land lord's ID, electricity bill in original and copies... and more. And more. And more.

Apparently it is recommended to hire a legal firm, which I think I'll do. I get tired from just reading the hand book... The thing that is really worrying me at the moment is that you are not aloud to leave the country while the VISA process is ongoing. So if this takes longer than a month... I'll die. And probably fall into a rabbit hole of depression, and migrate illegally.

Ahh... what happened to my siesta!?

First day!

So first day at Tec today. We haven't really done much, just went there, me and some of the people from my house, to get information, papers, schedule for this week and so on. And a fancy Mexico style bag. Which I'm sure only tourists would wear and they give it to us to be able to tell the newbies from the rest. Mine is pink anyway so I'm totally happy about it.

We also got a tour around campus - apparently gym and classes like yoga, dance and aerobics is for free so I'm now planning on becoming that active fit person I've never in my 22 years have managed to become before. First time for everything, right? And me and Alexandra from my house decided to do badminton - fun!

Later tonight there will be a welcome dinner, always nice, get to meet everyone and so on.

I'll get my schedule and register for courses on Friday, so then I'll be able to plan more and also book flights to Germany! =)

I'm having a siesta now, otherwise I'll probably fall aslepp in the tortillas and tacos tonight...


Good day yesterday - two pairs of shoes, amazing to be me - I never buy shoes. Also a dress and some tops. What else can you ask for?

A working Internet maybe? The one at the house decided to die yesterday, so now I´m at campus borrowing a computor. AC, important note. And! Apart from the Bambis walking around and the strange ducks in the trees - we have a Starbucks at campus!! In what world am I??

Am soon supposed to go to the pool, need some exercise. Feel really lazy at the moment..


Am headed into town, need to do some shopping. Yes, need. I have no shoes.

And btw, the cochroach is still there. I thought it was gone, but it has just moved into the shower. I don't know if I should be troubled.

The land lord says he'll do some renovation of the kitchen next week, which would be a true 'Hallelulja Moment' in that case. Then I might actually dare to touch things in there...

Maybe, maybe

Have managed to do laundry, cook .. something, and post a lot of pictures on the blog. Had the idea to go jogging too, and I think I will. Almost certain. Maybe. Have to wait til the sun starts going down anyway, otherwise I'll suffer from overheating.

Otherwise I think I'll just watch Mamma Mia tonight, sleep long, and go shopping for shoes tomorrew. I'd say that's a perfect plan :)

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